the abandoned workshops Posts

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

Gameplay Zombie horde map, but a good one. The zombies are tough, but still fun…

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

June 25, 2006 / Sven Co-op

June 25, 2006 / Half Life

A great mod, with a lot of replay value online and a huge fun factor and tension. Shame theres only a few servers.

June 25, 2006 / Half Life

June 25, 2006 / Half Life