Das Roboss


The map series is very action packed in a smooth, controlled way without there being too many enemies, which is ballanced well. Ammo is very balanced with enough around. Health can be sparse in some areas, but there is plenty when you get further. Theres a lot of fun throughout the series with some nice ideas and gameplay elements, like the batteries for the generator or driving the mech that “makes striders look like daddy long legs” which is indeed true.


Top quality with a lot of brushwork details. This map doesn’t over use props which is really good. Rooms are not flat and have very good texturing, and well picked textures. Lighting is really good too. Outside locations are really good too, displacements are well made and look realistic. Coloured lighting works well and don’t go over the top either.

Overall Conclusion

One of the best map series for Half Life 2, really recommend you play this one.

Author: Tylak
Type: Singleplayer
Rating: 87%
Download: Here

One Comment

  1. Zockopa
    September 26, 2006

    True. This is one of the few REAL good costum map-sets and its done by a pro-mapper.

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