the abandoned workshops Posts

July 20, 2024 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: J S Graham Release Date: August 21st 2005


Recreations of levels from other games are a common staple across modding, either a nostalgic one to one replica or an undercooked transition. On occasions some of them do stand out from the crowd, such as this little curiosity I came across while browsing DoomWadStation. Created by the same author who released Crimson Canyon, the first level from DUKE3D has been reimagined within the constraints of DOOM’s engine.

July 15, 2024 / Duke Nukem 3D
Author: Magnar "C3PO" Jenssen Release Date: June 29th 2000


Having saved the earth from numerous threats, it’s about time Duke gets treated to an all-expenses paid vacation. EDF, known to cut corners, sends him to the most exotic paradise that $125 can buy. What neither of them realise is the hotel was built on top of a dormant volcano. After only a couple of days drinking himself into a stupor, an earthquake hits jolting him out of bed. Looks like the volcano just woke up…

July 10, 2024 / Duke Nukem 3D
Author: UTAF Productions Release Date: August 31th 1998


Duke regains consciousness, head pounding after taking a heavy blow as he surveys his whereabouts. Bullet holes riddle the walls and beneath him, a motionless body lies in a pool of blood. Framed for the murder of an EDF General, Duke is now on the run as SWAT bash at the door. The EDF storm the streets in a furious attempt to track and take down the fugitive saviour of mankind.

June 9, 2024 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: John Graham Release Date: December 15th 1996


You’ve been sent in to finish up where Fly Taggert last left off, to clean up any remaining demons that could still be running around the base freely. Apparently there is a secret underground community leading to the anomaly. Kill all remaining monsters in the tunnel, leave no survivors, take no prisoners. THEPATH is a single level taking the MAP07 slot.

May 26, 2024 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Matt Eldrydge Release Date: April 15th 2024


At the edge of a dead world suspended in darkness, you find yourself in a strange space. Getting here wasn’t easy, almost dying in the process. Now only one bullet in the chamber remains, but at least you’re still able to keep moving for now. The rules here are the same: survive and find a way home.

May 12, 2024 / Tomb Raider 1
Author: Feder Release Date: August 13th 2022


Discovering a mysterious underground river that leads to an ancient Egyptian dam used to divert the current from their sacred monuments. Lara decides to follow it in search for treasures left behind, but soon finds out she is not the only one who has taken an interest to grab whatever relics lay inside the structures of this lost oasis.

May 12, 2024 / Tomb Raider 1
Author: Feder Release Date: November 7th 2017


An unexplored area of Vilcabamba has been uncovered due to recent earthquakes. Upon learning of this news Lara decides she should head back to Peru and revisit these ruins for new treasures. She wants to seek out a relic carved in pure gold but as it turns out, that will not be the only thing that still remains buried in the lost city.

April 16, 2024 / Duke Nukem 3D
Author: DannyFromNewOrleans Release Date: April 2nd 2024


On a dark and cold winter night, Duke is on his way toward a facility focusing on researching the depths of space. However it seems the place has been recently abandoned and signs point to something horrible having occurred here. The scientists have awoken something. It lurks, deep inside the darkness, hidden beyond the stars.

April 1, 2024 / Shadow Warrior
Author: Methy Release Date: April 25th 2016


With renewed fame thanks to his reboot video game series, Lo Wang was in the middle of shooting a Tomb Raider and Shadow Warrior movie crossover before the lead actress got herself kidnapped by an occult branch with links to Zilla. Pressed to rescue her with an offer he can’t refuse, debut actor Lo Wang jumps at the chance, grabs his sword and rides off in his boat.

April 1, 2024 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Artem Brullov Release Date: December 21st 2023


Communications have gone dark and there’s been no response from the outpost, you’re heading there to find out what the situation is. Emerging from the cavern you can see the base up ahead, some of the lights are still on but it’s quiet. Too quiet. Snowmobiles have been abandoned a short distance away from the outpost as flares fizzle in the snow. Nearby, a motionless body. What happened here?