Another action packed level, which remains enjoyable from start to finish. Lots of enemies to fight against in this one at a controlled pace keeping a smooth flow. The surrounds are rather small at first with some smalls fights here and there, but once entering into the large outdoors many demons await. Many Imps are used throughout as long range snipers, throwing their fireballs everywhere you run causing you to keep on those toes without getting hit in the back, especially when in combat. They can be a pain, but easily avoided or shot down with the decent supply of ammo and health about. Large variety of enemies lurk, which keeps battles a little more consistant and different each time, plenty of small horde traps and some nice secrets to look out for. Main gameplay is the typical key and switch hunts, however the main twist is getting out of the large exterior locations and getting back to the area needed for the red key. Flow is down well and getting lost shouldn’t been too much of a problem, however possible. Good pace of giving weapons to the player, while others have to be obtained by different means, lots of armour and health bonus pickups around so the level of difficulty should also be consistant and fair.