the abandoned workshops Posts

June 22, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

June 22, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

June 22, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

June 22, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

Really good mod with a fun gameplay, hilarious voice acting, new weapons and enemies to fight against with some challenges here and there.

June 22, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

June 22, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

A fantastic release from one of the great mappers for Duke3D. This level was sure worth the wait after 2 years in development and truely a masterpiece.

The best part about the map. It starts as the story is told in the text file, and then you learn more as you progress on just like Red5 did. Although this map has more adventure in it and has a lot more ingame cutscenes and less view screens, which is a very nice addition to the map (make sure you have the .voc files in your Duke3D directory, since they are vital for the gameplay immersion) Enemies posed a challenge, a little less ammo to fight them with but still had a balanced gameplay. The map had a bit of replay value also.

June 15, 2006 / Sven Co-op


Mrfanswa made a very inspiring Resident Evil map for Sven Coop with a lot of cutscenes, puzzles and objectives throughout the level. The levels includes new textures, weapons, music, sounds and enemies each sticking to the Resident Evil theme.Anyone who is a Resident Evil fan, I recommend you to play it.

May 23, 2006 / Half Life


Pretty much similar to the full modifaction, however you play as a different charcter looking for the present. This time round, it’s a lot shorter but still worth a shot. Puzzles were not reused and has some new ideas which made the map worth playing through. Although there wasn’t anything too special about the map it was fairly enjoyabe expierence. I quite liked the stairs which was both a challenge and fustrating. The overall feel of the expience missed that of which the modifacation contained which was a shame, very empty feeling compared to it.There is also a jump puzzle which was very annoying but it isn’t too long at all, so losing interest in that area wasn’t so likely.

May 23, 2006 / Half Life


Halfquake can be quite fustrating here and there at times, but it’s nothing impossible to beat. This one has an interesting amount of puzzles and action giving you only a certain amount of weapons and ammo depending on the section, most of the time you have no firearms. Most of the puzzles are pretty much simple as they’re mainly button hunting, while others require you to jump around. Longer puzzles are made more interesting by making it harder each time you get further on. The only enemies that you fight against are headcrabs and alien slaves which aren’t too difficult to face, except the areas where there is a horde of them.

May 22, 2006 / Half Life