the abandoned workshops Posts

July 14, 2006 / Half Life

July 14, 2006 / No Category

July 8, 2006 / Blog

BlitZ and I decided we should start a dedicated server for the Half Life 1 modifacation, The Specialists. The original reason for this was because we wanted to create a far more friendlier atmosphere unlike many other servers and we do this by welcoming people as they join and kicking the rude ones out. We also didn’t like it when other severs have (obvious) hackers roaming about, and the fact that the only map that is mostly played is ts_lobby. Our server was decided to only having custom maps, and a few underplayed default maps to make this one stand out from the rest. I decided we should give Hostile Intent a go at having a server and BlitZ started a Brainbread server. Maybe if the server is a full success we may go for a 24 hour paid server. We may also start some Half Life 2 Modifacation servers, maybe even those online mods that don’t even have any servers running no more! You’ll just have to wait and see. Below is some information about each server, although Hostile Intent and Brainbread are left unmodified and kept to their default maps and settings. The server is put up at irregular times as we don’t have any set times as of yet.

July 8, 2006 / Walkthroughs

I got reminded about the walkthrough for Resident Evil: Convert Operations and decided to add it now, thanks for the reminder. The walkthrough is a bit old so it may have some spelling errors and some bits might not make sense but I’ll fix those later. It explains as much as I can when I played through the whole thing but I never found the colt, it may be in the room where the tiger statue is in the original game. To read more, click on the link to read the article.

July 8, 2006 / Shadow Warrior

July 6, 2006 / Quake
Author: Iikka 'Fingers' Keränen Release Date: November 21st 1997

July 6, 2006 / Duke Nukem 3D

July 6, 2006 / No Category

July 6, 2006 / Half Life

July 6, 2006 / Half Life