the abandoned workshops Posts

March 29, 2011 / Duke Nukem 3D
Author: Luciano 'Gambini' Gallo Release Date: March 26th 2011


From the author of Blown Fuses makes another return, this time taking place inside of a hospital. Duke awakes to find himself alone at the campsite, only a note left behind by his teammate, who has been having trouble sleeping due to the smell of rotten flesh and strange noises. He has gone ahead to check out the courtyard to find out what is going on. And so will you.

March 24, 2011 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Olivier Boucher
Released: Februrary 20th 1999
Download: Here

We’ll be taking a trip to the past with this little oldie from ’99, Boucher’s first release, a city map which takes place within the slums of LA. It’s not long map, yet provides a small variety of locations to visit while beating down on aliens and searching for keycards.




March 22, 2011 / Blood

Author: Michael Ochs
Download: Here

You’re walking alone on a warm, summer’s night until you suddently fall into a deep hole. Nobody is with you and have fallen faint. Alone. When you finally awaken, its obvious there is no way back up. It’s time to find a way out.


March 17, 2011 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: Ali ‘Haplo’ Pouladi
Download: Here

Tohid was a very popular politician who was very vocal against both the mechanists and sheriff Truart. He had foreseen the rise of a totalitarian regime made of an alliance between the mechanists and the sheriff. In his numerous speeches and rallies he managed to gather a strong following and become a serious threat. However, about two weeks ago, he suddenly “disappeared”. My only clue is that his disappearance happened in this small nearby city where he was going to give a speech. Checking out the local police station is a good start.

March 15, 2011 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: NerdKoopa
Download: Here

During his journey, Duke accidentally discovers the remains of an ancient advanced civilisation. When he enters into the depths of the temple in hopes for treature, he soon finds out that the aliens have gotten here first. Duke isn’t going to sit around while they get their hands on the gold.



March 10, 2011 / Quake
Author: John 'metlslime' Fitzgibbons & Christian 'czg' Grawert Release Date: February 11th 2011


The sequel to the original Rubicon released in ’98, which has apparently been one of the longest projects in development for Quake and awaited for patiently by many, and has now been finally released to everyone in 2011. Rubicon 2 is a three level mod which includes a start map, new enemies, features and hazards.

March 8, 2011 / Quake
Author: John 'metlslime' Fitzgibbons Release Date: February 25th 1998


Quake is deserted. You wander the desolate world, comrades nowhere to be seen. All of the slipgates you find seem to lead to castle after castle within Quake. Finally, you learn of a remote mountain base that holds your only hope to escape this place and rejoin the forces in their new campaign on Stroggos. Contains a start map, the main course and a secret level.

March 3, 2011 / Half Life 2: Episode Two

Author: We Create Stuff Team
Download: Official Site (300mb)

The story resumes with the player lost and confused inside of a hospital known as “Never Lose Hope” with no understanding of how you came to be there, except from a vague memory of the mysterious, haunting girl from Nightmare House. Soon it will be difficult to determine between a dream and reality. How long will it take for you to realise that escape is no longer an option? Wake up, it’s time for the real nightmare to begin.


March 1, 2011 / Quake
Author: Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov Release Date: January 4th 2011

Author: Artyom ‘Digs’ Glazkov
Released: January 4th 2011
Download: Here

Something a little different with a neat little twist, taking place within an idbase themed level along with other custom textures. There’s something odd going on inside of this base where weird anomalies have warped several areas, which start to play tricks on the player’s mind and their perception.


February 24, 2011 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Alexander "Eternal" S. Release Date: September 3rd 2008


Cybersky is simply a large and brutal slaughtermap, forcing you to fight against large hordes of enemies at a time in a huge, hellish themed environment. With an enemy count over 2000 and plenty of weapons and powerups to get your hands on, how does this one fare?