the abandoned workshops Posts

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Ed Cripps Release Date: January 20th 2003

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Ed Cripps Release Date: July 19th 2001

A good ZDoom map with average fights, plenty of ammo but a bit lacking on health and a great design to go with the map too.

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Agent Spork Release Date: ~2005

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Team Future Release Date: July 26th 2004

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Russell Pearson Release Date: March 19th 2006

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Andrew "Ninja_of_DooM" Fernie Release Date: January 10th 2005

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Dutch Devil Release Date: October 29th 2005

Not much to say about this map, but it is a very well detailed short level (around 2 minutes) worth giving a go.

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Dutch Devil Release Date: July 29th 2005

June 24, 2006 / Doom 2: Hell on Earth
Author: Russell Pearson Release Date: June 23rd 2003