First of all, this is a huge mission pack that ranges across thirty seven different maps all linked together and creating a development of story through the use of voice acting, translator messages and cutscenes bringing several scenes a lot more to life. An emergency message is transfered to the Vortex Rikers 2 as it travels through space, where three members from the crashed Vortex Rikers 1 contacting for help on Na Pali and it’s your mission to track them down. Upon your arrive however, you are shot by the enemy and taken away to a Skaarj prison. The gameplay then takes place here. Once you take control, your character will start to talk about his current situation and does this quite a bit throughout each of the missions. He will sometimes say the odd corny phrase after killing certain enemies or reveal what the player must do to continue on. I found this a problem in a few places as it removed the ability to find out yourselve, giving away the answer too quickly but it’s not too common.