the abandoned workshops Posts

May 20, 2009 / Quake
Author: Kell Release Date: November 5th 2005

Author: Kell
Released: November 5th 2005
Download: Here
Requires: Quoth

Red 777 by Kell, released in ’05 makes use of the medieval creature set from Quoth within a large scale, fortress with a very old library aspect, in an elaborate brown and red colour scheme.


May 18, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Maxim Lezing Chinyakin
Download: Here

Last Pissed Time is a map from Russian author, Maxim Chinyakin, which mostly focuses on puzzle solving, than blowing alien’s to smithereens. This is a pretty rare sight to see amongst most other releases for Duke3D, but always welcomed to add a bit of variety to the collection.



May 16, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Luciano “Gambini” Gallo
Download: Here
Requires: DukePlus (Map Included)

Blown Fuses, by Luciano Gallo, was one of the first maps made for Duke Plus that utilised the fuse item pickup feature. The level is also intended to be played using polymost to get the most out of the level. It also includes a new sountrack which fits perfectly with the map.


May 14, 2009 / Quake
Author: S.Ives 'Sidhe' Release Date: August 3rd 2008

Author: S.Ives ‘Sidhe’
Released: August 3rd 2008
Download: Here
Requires: Quoth

The author’s first release takes place within a rather tall, white crypt, making use of the IKWhite tileset and taking inspiration from Michael Scott Rohan’s ‘Winter of the World Trilogy’. Also makes use of Quoth, and expect to see a new boss as well as new key pickups specifically for this level.


May 9, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Mikko Sandt
Download: Here
Requires: DukePlus (Map Included)

In the grim darkness of the far future” Earth is being purged of what the assault alien race have long called the “human disease”. The final solution to the problem is nothing but a complete genocide of mankind. In this darwinian struggle for survival the human being has lost. Earth is now a gigantic alien outpost and human concentration camp. Duke Nukem, an agent of the human resistance (operating from Cygnus space station and various other hidden locations across the galaxy) is sent to a facility that conducts experiments on humans (including agents of the resistance).

May 9, 2009 / Blog

As you can see, the new design is now finally complete, up and running, which did have it’s own share of problems in the process. I’d like to give a thank you to, ShaDoW, for helping solve an issue that prevented the new site to not load up properly, which I appreciate.

Based off the original ‘Black-Hat’ theme by Nicki Faulk, I made several adjustments to make it suitable for TAW and the content, while also making use from some of those extra little features that you may find will come in handy.

However, there are still some final pieces of work that need to be made to make use of those, some areas that need fixed and various small tweaks here and there.

May 4, 2009 / Blog

February 15, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Mia Max
Download: Here

Desert Base is the first DukePlus level to be reviewed here on this site, and I’ll tell you now that it’s not a dissapointment. It’s also very convenient to have all these levels included with DukePlus. Basically, Duke needs to escape from a highly secured desert base, travel through some caves and somehow make it across to the beach to complete the level.

January 15, 2009 / Quake
Author: necros Release Date: August 18th 2008

Author: necros
Released: August 18th 2008
Download: Here
Requires: Quoth

On your journey, you come across a small gate and decide to enter. However, the gate closes shut behind you. You now only have one way to go, and that is to continue forward. Here’s a map released in ’08 for Quoth, the first out of two levels in a small pack, that takes place in a huge underground cavern with a large lake of lava at the depths below.


January 11, 2009 / Quake
Author: Jean-Philippe Lambert Release Date: October 22nd 2005

Author: Jean-Philippe Lambert
Released: October 22nd 2005
Download: Here

Castle of the Dark Ages is a rather large map from 2005, that takes place in a huge open enviroment with several buildings, making use of fog and coloured lighting with a mixture of interior and exterior action throughout. It is also recommended to use the FitzQuake port to run this map at its best.