the abandoned workshops Posts

July 21, 2009 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: The CoSaS Team
Download: Here

Mission X is the sequel to, Gathering at the Inn, which takes place one year after Dante has been accepted into The Circle. It is once again winter and there is some major trouble between Master Nightfall and the powerful warden, Lord Raputo, who senses a greater threat from The Circle than any other petty criminal. The mission will take place within The Ivory Rose Casino, where a strategic plan is set in motion to defeat Lord Paputo’s designs for The Circle’s destruction. Their fate rests within Dante’s hands.

July 17, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Tim Lowndes
Download: Here

Although the title of the map is a pretty standard one, Cavern is Tim Lowndes’s first release within the community, where Duke is set on a mission to infiltrate an alien hideout within the mountains to destroy their babies.

June 30, 2009 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: The CoSaS Team
Download: Here

Gathering at the Inn is a fan mission released back in ’03, being one of the first in the series of, The Circle of Stone and Shadow. You take control as Dante, a man who originally had power but was later cast down onto the streets. Becoming a rookie thief, he wishes to join into the ranks of The Circle under the watchful eye of Master Nightfall. Before he can join The Circle, however, Dante will need to prove himself as a worthwhile agent to be taken onboard. His first mission is assigned to take place within the Grieving Burrick Inn.

June 28, 2009 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: Hammerite Imperium Team
Download: Here

My name is Shivan. I am an acolyte at the Excantium Academia, where we endure a grueling education and indoctrination into the Hammerite Legion here on the island of Tallia. It is the night of graduation, and per the tradition, the format for the final examination pits the seven teams of the graduating class against one another. The goal is simple: Capture as many of the other teams’ icons as possible whilst defending your own.

June 5, 2009 / Team Fortress 2

Author: Bill Johnston
Download: Community Official – Included with Team Fortress 2
Gametype: Capture the Flag

Turbine is a Capture the Flag map by Bill Johnston that takes place within a large industrial compound. For some peculiar reason, RED and BLU are both sharing the same building while trying to brawl for each other’s intelligence in only a few key locations. This is actually my first Team Fortress 2 level review and I barely even write multiplayer related articles, so please bare with me while I get used to this!

June 5, 2009 / Quake
Author: Robert P. Gove Jr Release Date: July 29th 2001

Author: Robert P. Gove Jr
Released: July 29th 2001
Download: Here

Penile Devasation is a medium lengthed, action packed map from ’01 by Robert P. Gove Jr taking on a very metallic and runic theme through it’s many wide corridors, where various Knights and Ogres await you – if the title hasn’t already scared you off!


June 3, 2009 / Quake
Author: Perselicas Release Date: October 29th 2000

Author: Perselicas
Released: October 29th 2001
Download: Here

Here is a relatively short Quake map from ’01 by Perselicas, set within a medieval theme with plenty of tight corridors to squeeze through.


May 31, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Aymeric “MRCK” Nocus
Download: Here

Ever since the return of Aymeric, his releases so far haven’t been dissappointing, and the same can easily be said for his latest release right here. Bottles to the Ground takes place within a small dark city where Duke has ran out of beer. He decides to head out and find some, while giving the aliens a major butt kicking for getting in his way. Map also comes with an excellent midi file, which fits perfectly with the map and loops really well.

May 30, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Supertanker
Download: Here

Supertanker returns with a new map release, FOS Station, a short space themed level. I personally think there is a lack of space themed release these days, though I’m not that particullary bothered, it was a nice change of environment playing this.

May 20, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Zykov Eddy
Download: Here
Requires: DukePlus (Map Included)

Duke must infiltrate and destroy a complex infested with alien scum, all while finding keycards, batteries and staying alive, the usual deal. This map from Russian author, Zykov Eddy, takes place within an industrial complex and making use of Duke Plus. Even includes a new soundtrack for the ride.