the abandoned workshops Posts

October 22, 2009 / Quake
Author: Neil Manke Release Date: May 5th 1997

Author: Neil Manke
Released: May 5th 1997
Download: Here

To kick off the countdown to halloween, I’ll be starting off with something a little mild and slowly take it from there. Here we have The Slaughterhouse where you have decided to break into this facility for no particular reason, and must fight your way back out. Released back in ’97 by Neil Manke, this is a gem worth checking out, lots of blood and bloodstained walls await you where creatures are slaughtered for their meat.

October 18, 2009 / Quake
Author: Biff Debris Release Date: July 23rd 2001

Author: Biff Debris
Released: July 23rd 2001
Download: Here

Welcome traveller, to the House of Spikes. This small level takes place within a runic theme, released back in ’01 which should provide a good ten minute enjoyment of your time.

August 23, 2009 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: Sliptip
Download: Here

People have been mysteriously vanished from within the city, both rich and poor alike. Gone without a trace to be found or clue to be had, while the City Watch just stand idle, powerless to do anything to stop the kidnapping menace. To add to the problem, four Keepers have also gone missing, all while sharing the same burden with protecting an important item. The Book of Ash, capable of unleashing hell down upon the Earth. Because of this ordeal, the Keepers decide to contact Garrett about the situation, to see if he can solve the whereabouts of the missing Keepers. Now is not the time to be waiting for nightfall!

August 15, 2009 / Heretic

Author: Nigel ‘Enjay’ Rowand
Download: Here
Requires: GZdoom Port

Thief: The Trail of the Arch Heretic is a level that intends to take the feeling of Thief, and create a similar setting within Heretic. You take the role of Garrett, the main protagonist from the Thief series, who has been contacted by the Keepers about some dark magic surrounding Lord Bafford’s place. The City Guard and Hammerites aren’t doing much about the situation, a job which is more suited for them to handle. However, rumours about unusual gold coins and jewels turning up on the market has taken his interest, most likely coming from old Bafford’s place. Garrett decides to pay another visit.

August 1, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Community Project
Download: Here
Requires: DukePlus (Included)

A massive energy burst has been detected at the EDF’s island base, which has attracted the attention of the aliens. All radio contact is lost, so Duke is dropped in to find out what is going on there. DPCBP is the first community project specifically created for use with DukePlus by Deeperthought. The map focuses on the use of the Skycar in a fairly large map created by; Gambini, Mikko Sandt, Crux Borealis, Rigelblast, Merlijn van Oostrum and Maarten van Oostrum.

July 27, 2009 / Half Life 2: Episode Two

Author: Marcello Bortolino
Download: Here

Research and Development is a short mod that has a centric focus that leans towards puzzle solving, a break from the usual practise of gun fights against the Combine forces. You take role of a weaponless character, through a journey of different situations which must be overcome with thought or quick response, to conquer the many obstacles that get in your way.


July 26, 2009 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: Renzo ‘Eshaktaar’ Thönen
Download: Here

Garrett was contacted by a man named Grimworth, who has offered an interesting proposal. Lord Robert Farrington, an eccentric collector, has recently passed away leaving his two sons to argue over the inheritance. Grimworth wants you to find Robert’s last will and steal all the objects listed in it. In addition to this, he would also like you to find any evidence concerning rumours of a long forgotten mages order below the manor. Unfortunetly, upon making your way over the wall toward the manor, Garrett slips on some loose bricks and loses most of his equipment on the other side. Either way, you need to find that last will before the heirs do.

July 26, 2009 / Quake
Author: necros Release Date: July 1st 2009

Author: necros
Released: July 1st 2009
Download: Here
Requires: Quoth

You’re alone and hungry. Very hungry. But hope soon overwhelms you as a tower upon the peak in the distance slowly becomes visible. Getting closer reveals the tower is inhabitant by various creatures, but you don’t care. You hope to find something to eat there and continue your journey. Avoiding the slime, you make way into a small cave area that sections itself from the base of the tower hoping to gain access from here. The only way now, is forward.

July 23, 2009 / Quake
Author: Ben 'Kinn' Wooding Release Date: May 20th 2004

Author: Ben ‘Kinn’ Wooding
Released: May 20th 2004
Download: Here

Bastion of the Underworld is a large, action packed fortress level from ’04. The demonic forces have begun to organise themselves in greater numbers upon your arrival. Hordes of creatures await you within this level, throughout the dark interior halls and inside the fortress exterior walls, including two new enemies to feast upon you while trying to find the exit out of this Netherworld bastion once and for all.

July 23, 2009 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Danny Mason
Download: Here
Requires: DukePlus (Map Included)

Tribute to Action II is the next in line from the series, the first created for Shadow Warrior, while this release focuses on Duke3D. Duke is thrown into a large city, where the goal is to simply kill every alien that gets in your way while collecting the odd keycard and having a fight with various mini bosses; a very action packed map made for DukePlus.