the abandoned workshops Posts

December 28, 2008 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: Aymeric “MRCK” Nocus
Download: Here

Here is yet another map that has recently been released, this time from french author, Aymeric “MRCK” Nocus. Duke has decided to take yet another break to relax, have some drinks and enjoy himself. All doesn’t go to plan when he find’s those alien maggots have invaded the downtown areas and destroyed the bus he was taking. Once again, it is up to Duke to kick their asses and save the day.

December 24, 2008 / Thief 2: The Metal Age

Author: Thief2X Team
Download: Here

Her transformation was not entirely uncomfortable to watch. As Keepers, it is our duty to look upon the acts of men and record their various pathways, forever seeing yet never interceding. This particular mission is no different, yet somehow the act of keeping watch was made more intimate by her metamorphosis from young sailor-trader to revenge-driven thief.

December 19, 2008 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: ilovefoxes
Gametype: SP
Download: Here

The third in the Sky City series, takes place where the second left you off. This time around you are within another city, where most of the gameplay will take place within a school building. The objective here is yet another keycard hunt while including a lot more action than the previous two levels.

December 19, 2008 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: ilovefoxes
Download: Here

The second in the Sky City series, starts you off where the first level left off, which is inside of the plane where you must once again fight your way through various cramped corridors and rooms, and go on simple keycard hunts until you reach the end. Another straight forward goal to reach just like in the previous level, so how does this one fair?

December 19, 2008 / Duke Nukem 3D

Author: ilovefoxes
Download: Here

The first in the Sky City series, starts you off on the rooftop of a tall building where you must make your way through a small city section infested with aliens while exploring various buildings and looking for key cards to reach the end. Fairly straight forward and simple enough, but how does everything add up?

September 25, 2008 / Quake
Author: Misyu, necros, Vigil & Xen Release Date: October 8th 2002

Author: Misyu, necros, Vigil & Xen
Released: October 8th 2002
Download: Here

Put together by various authors contributing to the project, Subterranean Siege is a very large, action packed, high tech map from 2002, which also includes a new enemy grunt to fight against. Very large level, action packed, brilliant design and a very enjoyable experience overall.


September 25, 2008 / Quake
Author: David Duncan Release Date: April 21st 2008

Author: David Duncan
Released: April 21st 2008
Download: Here

Lair of the Dragon Ogre is a simple and short length level set within a large, dark metal based fortress, where you will face off against mostly Knights and Ogres. Nothing too special or out of the ordinary, but an enjoyable level.

September 25, 2008 / Quake
Author: Alexander W. Dennis Release Date: October 13th 2001

Author: Alexander W. Dennis
Released: October 13th 2001
Download: Here

Avanipaala Praasaada, also known as, The Palace of the Great Warriors, from 2001 is a map on a rather grand scale which takes place within a large, white palace. The map architectural design, texture usage and lighting has been constructed very well throughout this one, while the gameplay is fair and enjoyable.

September 12, 2008 / Duke Nukem 3D

Authors: Maarten & Merlijn van Oostrum
Download: Here

Here’s a fairly recent Oostrum map contribution to the Duke3D community, where both Maarten and Merlijn got together to make a fairly large outdoor level set near the coastline. Although I personally find their previous releases are better projects, this one is still a good one, so you should check it out if you haven’t already.

September 4, 2008 / Blog