Minerva : Metastasis 1


Very exciting and challenging gameplay wtih lots of action as someone emails you via your HEV suit explaining what to do. The map has some tension and mystery which makes this map immersive, which most Half Life 2 maps lack. Travelling in new areas makes you want to keep going, and after doing something, like unlock a gate, the area you are in will get filled with man hacks which are creepy since its unexpected. Enough ammo and health to keep you going and a very good enemy balance.


Top notch and realistic. Textureing is very good and well picked, lighting is fantasic too. The map uses some brushwork and a lot of props, but they have been thought out well and not randomly placed and fit the enviroment.

Overall Conclusion

One of the best Half Life 2 maps around.

Author: Adam Foster
Type: Singleplayer
Rating: 90%
Download: Here – FileShack / Here – FileCloud / Here – FileFront

One Comment

  1. Robspace1
    June 22, 2008

    I just started this and it looks great!-Maybe as good as the original!

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