Ceremonial Circles

Author: czg Release Date: August 5th 2001

Author: czg
Releasded: August 5th 2001
Download: Here

This one here can be considered a feast for Quake fans who enjoy a very well balanced, action packed level with plenty of enemies to battle it out with. Great design and an overall enjoyable experience, this level from ’01 by Christian Grawert should deffinitely be worth your time.


This is a very action packed map, including a wide variety of enemy choices used throughout, so expect to see a lot of Knights, Ogres and Scrags. One particular interesting aspect of this level is how the author makes use of vertical gameplay, especially the Ogres which adds a neat challenge and difficulty to this enemy. The map is also very well balanced, ammo and health supplies are plentiful including a few hidden stashes and well placed secret areas. The flow of progression throughout the map is done in a very enjoyable manner, where you will also most likely find yourself with very few breathers between each stage of action. Lots of fun to be had, with good enemy placements and order of weapon retrieval.

There isn’t really a lot to mention here about this aspect since the map is well presented with a good structural design. The map consists of a variety of open spaces and closed corridor locations, as well as a lot of vertical space which are all fairly well detailed creating an overall nice visual aspect to the map. The texturing in the map is also a decent job, with some great trimming work where suitable, giving the map an overall design that remains solid and consistent from start to finish.

Enjoyable, balanced and action packed level with a consistent and solid design throughout.

Overall Rating

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