Just Another Christmas


This map has a very fun gameplay, especially with the really nice christmas feel to it. Theres plenty of health and ammo with a good enemy balance. Map isn’t too hard, but sometimes fights could be too tight. Map has a very large replayability value to it which is very good. I can’t remember how many times I played this map since I’ve played it a lot. The map also has a lot of nice ideas through out, like the button that comes from the ground.


Very top notch with an obvious Taivo style and a lot of inspiration from Pascal as I’ve noticed. Uses of white and blue pals are used well. Texture choices in most areas are very good and suit the location. Lighting is done well and looks quite realistic and spritework is constructed very well.

Overall Conclusion

A very good map by Taivo worth playing if you have not. Map has some noticable inspirations from Pascal’s work, but still uses a lot of Taivo’s own style.

Author: Taivo Maripuu
Rating: 85%
Download: Here