Shadow Politics

Author: skacky Release Date: April 28th 2012


The job is to break into a highly-secured embassy in the middle of Hightowne and steal a priceless diamond staff owned by an aristocrat from Blackbrook. My employer has given me instructions to follow, this will come in handy, because I have the feeling this is not going to be a cakewalk.


Shadow Politics takes the classic, dark atmosphere and tight city streets, combining it with the rich, grand sense of style one could expect if these aspects from the original two games were thrown into a blender. This feeling of richness not only comes from the choice of textures used across the mission, or the style of interior design, but also because of the quantity of brightly lit windows glowing in the evening shade and the city streets feel very alive as a result of this. Other places will include a bit more gloom and also pays close attention to the style of design and architecture seen through the first title. The visuals range depending on the location, whether these are discovered on foot, crawling underground or from across ledges up above. These methods of travel offers a lot of exploration before one heads straight toward the main target, finding several smaller interiors with loot and readables. Keeping a close eye on the vertical space will ensure these goodies being found.

Shadow Politics by skackyShadow Politics by skacky

The two essential locations which contain the objects that must be retrieved includes a large amount of marble flooring and can be tricky to navigate as a result. Even more so on the higher difficulties where a few extra guards roam about. Luckily there is a small number of moss arrows that can be retrieved across the mission to help get through these places, but avoiding the guards each and every time can become a little too tiresome here, so expect some trouble if bonking some heads is something you try to avoid. The embassy itself can be accessed from either one of the two possible entry points, however, while it’s not required, it might have been nice if the front doors where also usable to provide a quicker, yet incredibly risky third choice. Besides from completing the main goals and exploring the city for loot, which will be essential on Expert, the mission is packed with many smaller side stories concerning the people living here and certain events which have transpired, with readables providing clues relating to potential loot locations or passages.

Shadow Politics by skackyShadow Politics by skacky


The dark and atmospheric city with its rich sense of design and detailed geometry offers a large amount of exploration from high and low. The interiors of the main goals provides challenging navigation to locate the main targets unseen. Visually impressive and enjoyable to boot.

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One Comment

  1. zajazd
    July 27, 2012

    very nice, these last 3 missions weren’t in my collection.

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