The Abandoned Workshops Game Servers

BlitZ and I decided we should start a dedicated server for the Half Life 1 modifacation, The Specialists. The original reason for this was because we wanted to create a far more friendlier atmosphere unlike many other servers and we do this by welcoming people as they join and kicking the rude ones out. We also didn’t like it when other severs have (obvious) hackers roaming about, and the fact that the only map that is mostly played is ts_lobby. Our server was decided to only having custom maps, and a few underplayed default maps to make this one stand out from the rest. I decided we should give Hostile Intent a go at having a server and BlitZ started a Brainbread server. Maybe if the server is a full success we may go for a 24 hour paid server. We may also start some Half Life 2 Modifacation servers, maybe even those online mods that don’t even have any servers running no more! You’ll just have to wait and see. Below is some information about each server, although Hostile Intent and Brainbread are left unmodified and kept to their default maps and settings. The server is put up at irregular times as we don’t have any set times as of yet.

Rules For All Servers

  • Don’t be rude to any other user in the server.
  • Don’t cheat / exploit in anyway
  • Don’t disobey the admins
  • Don’t advertise in anyway
  • The Specialists
    The server uses AMX MOD X and contains a few plugins. We have installed, extra blood, bot players and Unreal Tournament Announcer. The maps that we have running below. Included are all the default HLDM maps.

    The Maps

  • ahl_bxht_ii
  • ahl_noir
  • amenaza
  • ancientpride
  • area7
  • black_n_white
  • filtered
  • floatingline
  • fsurface
  • fvolume
  • guardian
  • hexagerate
  • hothv2
  • isotonic
  • liceo
  • lunartemple
  • manhunt
  • mr_ev2
  • nos_vemos
  • oeilvert
  • pisobajov2
  • punishment2
  • rustmill
  • streets
  • structure
  • tinnos
  • voyagerv2
  • warpcore

    1. Robspace1
      August 22, 2008

      How come you don’t have any reviews of SMOD versions of HL2?-I’d like to know about all the different versions and how good or bad they are. The authors website is Japanese and it makes getting good information about these real hard to do. Which versions are in which order and are they all pretty much the same or what? Any help on these would be appreciated-

    2. August 26, 2008

      Because I’ve only ever played 1 version of SMOD, and that was a very early one at that. I haven’t checked out any of the other versions because it never particulary grabbed my attention to do so.

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