Quite some time ago, I had the thought to move from HTML to the WordPress blog software. Although I wasn’t quite sure since I had redesigned my website not long before thinking about it. I then decided to ask PlanetPhillip for his opinion. He said I should consider doing it but I was worried I would rip off his site. He told me not to worry and sometime later I decided to do it. And finally, today it is finished enough for the public to browse. Right now, there are issues with some browsers and screen resolutions at 1024*768. These will be sorted out in due time, selectable on the themes menu in the near future.
Benefits using Blog Software
For me, it is a lot quicker and faster to produce and edit entries with a few clicks and no need to reupload the HTML file inorder for it to update. Adding new pages, links and editing saves a lot of time as well, since they are created with a few clicks. WordPress also has a plugin feature so I can add some interesting things as time goes by and other treats for the User. For you, there is quite a lot this software change offers. Firstly, the choice to change themes whenever the user wishes so, included so far in Sunset, which is based off the HTML site and Sunrise, a brighter theme. Secondly, the ability to search the site. Previously, this wasn’t possible and since the site will soon grow larger it’ll be a fuss to search through every page. Thirdly, the ability to comment to posts. Previously I had to rely on members to post on the forum for their opinions on maps and reviews, now it is possible withing the same post on the site. I find the site is also a lot nicer to browse through compared to the HTML version, but the bugs in other browsers and screen resolutions affects this for other users which is a shame, hopefully to be sorted out soon.
Hipshot – For the skyboxes for me to create the banners.
James Manning – For supporting the site and various help
Geoffrey van Dijk – Helping me with the previous HTML version of the site.
Rob Wijkstra – Testing the website in Opera browser
Stephano Lessa – Testing the website in Netscape
Sang – Testing the website
Mikko Sandt – Testing the website
Special Thanks
PlanetPhillip – He helped me make this blog possible and gave me suggestions, plugins, helped me with problems and we worked together to complete the transfer. Without him I would have struggled with this and has helped me learn more. Be sure to check out his site as well, here.
Hi! Looking gr8!
Great! I could have helped wit the site though…