
Filler is the latest from Aymeric Nocus (aka MRCK) and is a really good release worth downloading. This map isn’t a sequel from any of Aymeric’s last maps, but was just made for pure fun, and this time he made it from his own imagination, no real life based buildings. The level is really detailed with a lot of sprite work, palette’s and details. A lot of the buildings look realistic, although some doors are sometimes too big. Anyway, in my opinion, the level can be a bit too colourful, but thats his style so I respect that, level has a few tricks from his previous release Rural Nightmare, but the gameplay is very action packed, especially at the start. Level use some innovations, just look at the street lights, table sprites stretched, very clever indeed.

Author: Aymeric “MRCK” Nocus
Type: Singleplayer
Rating: 90%
Download: Here