
Very action packed with a lot of monsters in each of the maps. The gameplay is very challenging throughout the levels, and keeping an eye on your health a lot. Theres plenty of health in this episode, I managed to complete the episode with 200 health. Some maps can get boring for a few minutes, but once you proceed further, you get so bored easiiy, since its easy to find your way around. In this episode, there is a lot of ammo. Too much infact. Theres ammo and weapons everywhere, and hidden ammo holds a lot. Theres a lot of shrinker ammo too which makes this episode a bit too easy. The last boss was very easity to beat, lots of places to dodge rocks, plenty of ammo, and health. The boss didn’t hit me once. Other than everything else, its quite fun to play through this episode, just too much ammo.

Average design, with a lot of misaligned textures and over scaled doors. The way some rooms are designed are not always nice, but most do look good. A lot of rooms in the episode look inspired by the original 3Drealms levels, sometimes I thought they were copy and paste. Texture choice can be good an bad in this episode. But theres a lot of bad choices and some textures dont fit their location. Sometimes textures look a little random in those areas too. There isn’t a lot of trimming in this episode either, as textures get cut off, then a new texture continues which makes it look ugly. Shading can be good in places, but really lacks it, although theres no really bright rooms, they always have their own brightness.

Overall Conclusion
A good oldie, with average design, and very action packed, challenging gameplay although too much ammo.

Author: Steven Petrovics Griffiths
Type: Singleplayer
Rating: 75%
Download: Here