Old Faithful

Author: Llobster
Released: May 14th 2011
Download: Here

Just how many forgotten chambers exist down there and how far do they extend? Best not to think about it and take this one step at time, so here’s another chamber for you to get going!


After Llobster’s previous release, Sphere of Roundness, there honestly isn’t really much else one could possibly say about this one which I haven’t already in that review. And in ways I could see that as a good thing, mainly because it shows consistency between the releases concerning the chosen theme, where the style remains the same and approaches the design just as well as it did before. Perhaps there is even more to see this time due to the increased number of puzzle rooms, making larger use of those smaller rustic compartments inside the sphere. From the beginning of the map, the author does a pretty good job teasing the player while at the same time providing a clear goal for them as to how this chamber can be completed. Much like before, these puzzles are thought out well by providing a smooth layout while remaining enjoyable to solve and easy to execute. There are also some elements of timing in a few sections for a change of pace. The experience is presented well, polished and well worth your time.

Much like before, the experience is enjoyabale, good looking and feels polished. Llobster shows a lot of promise for future releases and I’ll be keeping my eyes out for more from this author.

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